Rambling (Unwritten Post #3)

Unwritten Post #3: Write a reflection on the blogging life this semester. Did you find blogging challenging? A good outlet? Is this a practice you hope to continue? Take your reflection any way you wish.

Sometimes blogging was fun, but it often took much thought to make something interesting, and that takes time. There’s something in me as a writer that desperately wants to avoid posting straight up rants onto the internet. Even though that’s sort of what I’m doing now with this post. I really have no plan. I’m just rambling.

That being said, I think part of the reason why it was difficult to write this blog is because I was never really sure what I wanted to say. I attempted to think of interesting topics, but anticipating what people will respond to proved more difficult than anything else. Perhaps I thought about it too much. Maybe I shouldn’t care. Maybe I should just rant and rave until the cows come home.

To be honest, I could probably ramble on forever if given the chance and a topic I like. I’m one of those people. If you see me in the streets, run. I mean, after you know me well enough. Because I won’t talk much until I know you well, and then you get to drown in a flood of words… Yeah. Just best to avoid me altogether I reckon. I’m doing you a favor.

Anywho, back to the topic at hand… Perhaps the most valuable aspect of this experience has been finding out what I like to write. I like to write about people and humor and connections. I think this experience has been more revealing than I expected. I didn’t exactly know what it was I wanted to write about. I got a little glimpse into what other people enjoy reading, but also what I like to say. So, that was fun. I recommend trying out a blog sometime, if you haven’t yet. It’s quite fun.

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