
It’s Valentine’s Day. That means I have to write about love, right? Every blogger in the world is… Probably. Or, you know, they’re actually out there with their significant other.

Or maybe they’re single and crying in the corner.


Frankly, I don’t really care all that much.

While everyone enjoys today’s Hallmark holiday, I get to sit at home in my pajamas and watch Netflix.

Kidding. I’m working on a paper. What is a life, anyway?


This last week, school blew up in my face. To cope, I enjoy blasting angst ridden music, eating chocolate/bacon/chips and salsa/the entire contents of the fridge, and sporadically deviating from homework to internet.

Internet is a verb in my vocabulary.

“Excuse me. I’m internetting right now. I can’t life at the moment.”

Well, because it’s V-day… I’ll show you one of my favorite finds while internetting.

I stumbled across this unconventional-ish lovey-dovey webcomic after a friend showed me this adorable little gif:


And I fell in… extreme like, breaking my entire rib cage in the process. Because it’s just cute, okay? Look at the little cuties!

So, I rooted out the source.

Thomas primarily concentrates on love interactions between Pon and Zi, as in the picture below:


Yeah, it’s cheesy.

Yeah, I’m a sucker for this crap.

But, he observes some love struggles, too. Like this:

41 Nubbly Arms

Although love can be full of joy, sometimes it can feel restrained. Like somehow we aren’t doing enough or that our love is inadequate. Learning how to express love appropriately is sometimes really difficult. Often times really difficult. That’s why communication is so important to a relationship.

This is no longer about romantic love alone. When I say love, I mean any relationship.

Some people get stuck on the idea that love is all hearts and happy feelings.

42 Overflow

False. Sometimes it feels like this:

51+DudeLove can be a pain in the neck. To the point of decapitation.

Loving someone means that you fail each other, even when you had the best of intentions.


Loving someone means you might get lonely… and possessive.


People need to be able to be together, but also not together. If we don’t have adventures outside of each other, what are we going to have to share with each other? The point of love is to empower the other person and yourself to become all you can be. Surprisingly, we all have enough love inside us to share with multiple people, to help many people in this way, and they have enough for us, too.

Doesn’t mean it isn’t hard. Something so great is not easy. But it’s worth it. (Using cliches is allowed on Hallmark holidays.)

21 Venus Flytrap

Loving someone means miscommunication.


Again, let me stress the importance of talking things out… Never think the other person doesn’t want to hear it. This only leads to more miscommunication and hurt feelings.

Being individuals, we want different things. We can get on each other’s nerves.


But, being different is fun. Different perspectives, conflict, these are good for growth. We should invite growth. Being passive in a relationship can lead to stagnation, frustration, and boredom. According to the many random things I’ve heard and learned over the years about relationships, the biggest love killer is not fighting, but indifference.

Sometimes, we miss it when others are trying to show us love.


It’s important to learn how the people we love receive and show it.

But, at the end of the day, love is a happy thing.


I suppose that’s why Valentine’s is a thing. We want an excuse to get away from the daily grind and have fun with our loved ones.

Ehhhhh. Well, that’s okay, but it’s a lot more fun to surprise the people you love with gifts and fun outings on unpredictable days… Just saying. Try it sometime. Why wait for a Hallmark holiday? It’s a bit boring if you ask me.

Be unpredictable!

06 Ladder

And attack from above~

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