
Welcome to my blog! Feel free to wipe your feet on the doormat sporting a passive aggressive message indicating that you should probably leave now because the locals are antisocial and prone to grumpiness. Take your shoes off! Stay a while!


This is an icebreaker post, so let’s play an icebreaker game: two truths and a lie.

I’ll go first.

  1. This blog dated (was created for) another class (Art and Christ) and had a hard break up at the end of fall semester. It’s well marinated in artistic philosophy (you can check out my previous posts to get an idea of this) and is ready to begin anew, looking for new experiences with a new class (Studies in Writing). Please don’t break it’s heart. It’s sensitive.
  2. When I’m distressed, I make a quiet whistling noise like a tea kettle. My best friend likes to point this out by mimicking me. She says she’s conditioning me to stop doing this by providing negative feedback to my annoying habit. We may as well sing I’m a little teapot and do the dance while we’re at it. Someday, we might.
  3. When I get really discouraged, I like to stare at the motivational poster of a kitten on my wall that says, “Hang in there.” I gently and obsessively whisper these three little words of encouragement while stroking the kitten’s orange, glossy fur. Nobody knows I do this and I’ll make sure it stays that way. Keep quiet or I will silence you.

Did you figure out which one’s the lie?

I’ll give you a hint:



It’s so cute and encouraging!

What are problems?

Don’t you feel better now?

Good, because it’s your turn.

Two truths and a lie. Shoot!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Jordan N.
    Jan 16, 2015 @ 05:39:12

    Great post. Supes funny, dude. Two truths and a lie, hmmm?
    1. My little sister once fashioned a device from rubber bands and paper towels to keep the condensation on her water bottle from making rings on her night stand.
    2. I had a friend in middle school whose nickname was SquishyLlamaZuZuFluff.
    3. The fourth item on my bucket list is to live in Greece for a year and study the history, culture, and architecture of the country.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. jhizzel15
    Jan 16, 2015 @ 23:51:39

    I am going to guess that the first one is a lie: how can a blog date another blog? Anyways, here are my two truths and a lie.
    1) I graduated from a class of merely 14 students (smallest graduating class our school has had in ten years).
    2) My favorite mythological creature is the werewolf (given the choice between Edward Cullens and Jacob Black, I’d choose Jacob)
    3) My favorite Shakespearean play is Hamlet (in my Sophomore year, I even recited the entirety of Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” speech, complete with medieval attire and creepy organ music).



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